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Sunday 9 December 2018

Trendy haircuts and hairstyles for girls to school

What Hairstyles Are in Fashion This Season with Girls .Almost every one of us remembers how hard it was to get up early in school. Therefore, most mothers try to give the child a nap longer. Most often, such kindness results in a morning rush: a sleepy child must still be raised, fed, helped to quickly get together, be sent to school in time. Here every minute counts, so the hairstyle for a schoolgirl should take as little time as possible, but at the same time be neat and hold on all day. 

What should be the hairstyle to school

First of all, the school hairstyle should be comfortable so that the strands do not climb in the face while the girl writes and do not interfere with her activities. Hair should not crumble when the girl runs through the corridors at recess. It must be neat and fairly strict, because the appearance adjusts to serious work.

The most convenient hairstyle for schoolgirls

The easiest way to make a schoolgirl is a pixie haircut or a square, but not everyone agrees on short hair, because most girls secretly dream of being like princesses, and not little robbers. In addition, long hair - it is very beautiful, one can build countless hairstyles of them. When, if not now, give vent to fantasy?

Universal tail

This universal hairstyle may be different. The tail can be made low or high, stabbed with a rubber band or a beautiful hairpin, you can wrap a hair strand or a pigtail at the base, build it from two twisted pieces, or make two tails. The main thing is to use accessories that do not harm delicate children's hair and do not form “creases” on them: elastic bands should be made of fabrics, and hairpins should be plastic.

Do not over-tighten your hair: this will not make you lose your way out of your hairstyle, while the girl’s head may be sore from too tight a tail. Naughty strands can be fixed stealth or harmless "sugar lacquer": mix sugar and water in a ratio of one to two, pour the solution into a container with a spray. To fix the hair, you need quite a bit of money.

Strict beam

With strict bunches, all girls resemble ballerinas. Strict beam hairstyle is perfect for those days when there is a rhythm or dance in the schedule. We have already talked about how to quickly and simply make a volume bundle. You can build one bundle or two, decorate them with braids, bright hairpins and other hair accessories.

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