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Saturday 17 December 2016

How to make a menu for the New Year 2017

New Year's table should be crammed with a variety of delicious dishes. A well crafted menu on New Year's Eve 2017 - is the key to a successful holiday. There is a belief that the old year takes for an old problem, and the new year you can start your life from scratch, forgetting the insults, setbacks, and other negative aspects.

All recipes for the New Year 2017.By the New Year housewife preparing somehow special. I want every time to cook something new and interesting. Start preparing New Year's table must be a compilation of the menu.
Year of the Rooster 2017.
According to east horoscope in 2017 comes the year of the Fire Red Rooster. According to the Eastern calendar, he comes January 28, 2017. By temperament Rooster is a very active and interesting bird. It is very expressive and communicative. It symbolizes a special vitality and promotes personal growth throughout the year.By the design of the table and the drawing up of the menu for the New Year 2017 should be approached in a special to please the character of the year. For information on how to do this, we describe below.

How to make a menu for the New Year 2017?
By the design and preparation of food for the New Year should be approached with great responsibility. It is necessary to take into account all the details such as features of the year, visitors preferences, etc.Rooster by temperament - the animal is not greedy, even to the extent of economical. Christmas table should not burst with frills. This year can be found inexpensively. It is necessary to catch the golden mean, just to be in abundance.When making a table setting and make the emphasis on rustic dishes. There should be wooden spoons, clay pots, etc.

Menu Plan for the New Year of the Rooster 2017.
Before cooking you need to draw up a detailed plan menu. In the New Year's menu should include:
Hot dishes.
Meat, vegetable cutting.

Be sure to be present meat dishes or fish dishes. Chicken, it is desirable not to cook anything for the New Year of the Rooster, but unequivocal ban on it is not. The chicken can be replaced with meat of pork, beef or lamb. It is also very good will cook the fish.

Let's say a few words about the garnish. Preference should be given vegetable garnish. Vegetables for the symbol of the year 2017 - a natural food. Very good will cook a side dish of potatoes.

Salads can be prepared in a wide variety, all on your taste. We recommend to read the article - Salads for the New Year 2017. It is possible to prepare a salad with the name of the symbol of the year - Salad "Cock" in the New Year 2017.

Menu on the Year of the Rooster 2017: Hot dishes.
Hot meals are served as a main. What New Year's menu can do without the main course? That's right - no. It is necessary to try to make all the hot dishes turned out in the colors of the character of the year. Salads - with red or yellow vegetables, fried fish with bright rumyannovoy crust, etc.On New Year's Eve in 2017 there should be a light on the table, but at the same time delicious food. As we have mentioned above, in the New Year's Eve 2017 is best served fish and potatoes. We offer you a recipe to cook 4 to choose from.

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